Chicago Tax Return Preparer Defense Lawyers

Representing Clients in Return Preparer Liability Cases
When a taxpayer files a false return with the Internal Revenue Service, it can turn into a very serious matter. Depending on what the IRS discovers during its investigation, the case can result in multiple types of penalties.
If you need to address issues related to the preparation of tax returns, it is critical that you contact a qualified tax attorney with in-depth knowledge of the Internal Revenue Code and IRS investigations. At the Tax Practice of IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, we are headed by attorney Jon Decatorsmith, a Chicago tax lawyer with 11 years of experience working for the IRS. Decatorsmith's years of government experience handling tax cases makes him especially knowledgeable in these areas, and he is frequently sought out for his knowledge of cases involving tax return preparer liability, income reconstructions, and international money transfers.
Return Preparer Liability
When a CPA or unlicensed tax preparer is suspected with knowingly falsifying a client's return, they may be subject to significant penalties. Civil penalties start at $250 per occurrence, and the return preparer is reported to the IRS Office of Personal Responsibility (OPR). Being reported to the OPR can result in the preparer being censured, suspended or even disbarred. The resulting effect of an OPR report can seriously jeopardize the preparer's career. For this reason, the moment a return preparer becomes aware of an IRS investigation, he or she should immediately seek qualified legal guidance.
We know that the IRS has come to view tax return preparers as their front-line enforcement mechanism, but often in an unreasonable and unrealistic way, given the need return preparers have to rely on the information and documentation provided to them by their clients. The Tax Practice uses this knowledge and understanding of the role of the return preparer to aggressively represent our clients in connection with the assertion of negligence and willful civil preparer penalties, and in the face of potential business-closing injunctions. In these cases, Attorney Decatorsmith can help develop the best strategy to reach a positive outcome so you can put this tax controversy behind you and move on with your life. Contact our office today at 312-906-5041 for your free consultation. Our practice provides affordable representation for clients facing IRS tax issues.
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