Individuals, Businesses, Estates and Trusts

Chicago Tax Attorneys Helping Clients Address Issues Related to Taxes, Audits, and Penalties
Our clients include individuals and a wide variety of retail, manufacturing, service, and wholesale businesses, including those in the health care, entertainment, food and beverage service, real estate, transportation, repair, brokerage, education, and professional service industries. We have a large number of accountants, attorneys, and government employees as current and former clients! We also represent fiduciaries and their associated trusts with their tax issues, as well as decedents' estates, often in conjunction with the estate's probate attorney.
Contact Our Illinois Tax Lawyers
Contact us at 312-906-5041 to discuss the broader range of legal services we offer, including select commercial (non-tax) litigation, transactional advice, international issues, and for-profit business formation. If we are not able to directly assist, we can provide information to help you connect with the right representative.
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