Chicago Tax Audit Attorneys

Helping with IRS Tax Audits and Examinations
There are few things more intimidating than receiving a notice of an Internal Revenue Service audit. Having the most powerful taxing authority in the world examining your personal or business finances is enough to strike fear into even the bravest of souls. But going through an IRS audit does not need to be a traumatic event, if you have an experienced advocate in your corner that will stand up for your rights and fight for a positive outcome in your case.
For more than 30 years, Attorney Jon Decatorsmith has been a tax lawyer working for both the IRS and on behalf of taxpayers. As the managing attorney of the Tax Practice of IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, Decatorsmith puts his skills to work to help individual and business taxpayers that are facing an IRS audit or Illinois Department of Revenue examination. As one of the leading tax controversy practices in the country, we are able to offer the expert guidance you deserve while keeping our fees among the most reasonable in the area.
What Happens During an IRS Audit?
IRS audits can either come in the form of a written request for further documentation (to substantiate a claim on your tax return) or a request for a face-to-face meeting. In the event of a face-to-face meeting especially, it is strongly advised that you seek experienced legal counsel to be present with you--or attend in your place. This will ensure that you have someone in your corner that is familiar with the process. Remember that the objective of the audit is for the IRS to gain more information from you in order to make tax increases. Frequently, the agent asks for far more information and documentation than he or she is entitled to obtain, so you need to make sure you do not volunteer anything without first consulting with an experienced attorney.
If you are unhappy with the results of the audit, you have the right to request an administrative appeal. Appeals can occasionally be risky because they have the potential to broaden the scope of the case, resulting in a possible increase in taxes. For this reason, it is advisable to only request an appeal at the direction of an experienced attorney. If an administrative appeal is unsuccessful, you typically have the option to take your case to tax court. However, at this stage it may be to your benefit to try and negotiate a settlement with the IRS Counsel attorneys, as they have additional pressures and considerations that might warrant larger government concessions. An experienced representative that knows the system and the culture will navigate this for you, and obtain the best possible result.
To learn more how to prepare for your initial IRS Examination interview, click here.
Get Help with Your Tax Audits
IRS audits and Illinois Department of Revenue Examinations can be very stressful and cost you a lot of time and money. With your personal finances and/or business at stake, you cannot afford to deal with this alone. Contact the Tax Practice of IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law today at 312-906-5041 for your consultation. We will provide you the aggressive, ethical and affordable representation you need to bring about the best possible result.
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